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How to refund a transfer through Paysera?

Sending a transfer refund via Paysera will only take a few clicks.
You may not know this, but with Paysera it’s easier to send a refund than you might think. Whether you’re a Paysera business or private client, your status does not limit your flexibility. Whatever the reason for you needing to send a refund is – we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Before you proceed with a refund

We’re sure that you know this, but here’s a friendly reminder: you'll need to have enough funds available on your account to process a refund.

If the refund is in a different currency, please check that you've got adequate funds in that specific currency.

Finally, for payments made with payment cards, only our business clients can issue a refund. This can be done by navigating to Projects and Activities > Received Payments.

Not too complicated, right?

How to refund a transfer meant for an e-shop

No worries about which account you use to send a refund from your e-shop – personal or business will both do the job since they're linked. If you're looking to send a transfer refund specifically from your e-shop, simply log in to your account using a web browser and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects and Activities;
  2. Select Received Payments;
  3. Find the payment you want to refund and select the Refund icon (illustrated with two arrows, as shown in the image below).

Please keep in mind that not all the transfers you receive are refundable by you. This is because it depends on the type of payment method chosen by your clients.

Don't worry if you find out that you can't do it on your own – contact our client support team, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

How to refund a regular transfer

Whether you’re a Paysera business or private client, you can refund a regular transfer that you received in your account by following these steps:

  1. Go to Accounts and Cards;
  2. Select Account Statement;
  3. Find the payment you want to refund and select the Refund icon (illustrated with two arrows, as shown in the image below).
Step-by-step guide on how to send a transfer refund via Paysera.

Having trouble processing a refund?

Please feel free to reach out to our friendly client support team – we're here to help solve any issue and assist you with your refund.

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